by David
Is it possible to get a second crop of asparagus ? if so, how please.
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by Dan
In the month of July a garden crew cut down all the asparagus ferns to the ground. I told them not to but they did it any way. now some spears are coming up but not many. Are the crowns damaged beyond producing again?
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by Andy
Hi Susan,
I was wondering whether you have any advice on my problem asparagus. Since I sent you the photos, I haven't done anything to the bed, other than weeding. One of the stalks as since turned brown, however. It's obviously too late to plant new asparagus, but is there any hope for the future?
Comments for Unanswered Questions
by Dan
A friend of mine bought asparagus crowns months they go bad?
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by Jeremy Laurenson
We have had very good crops from our 60 or so plants for a few years but last year we got a lot of very thin spears - much more than in previous years. Is there something we are doing/not doing.
Look forward to hearing from you
Thanks and regards
Jeremy Laurenson
Waihopai Valley
Comments for Thin Shoots
by Olivia
I would like to know if I can cut the asparagus ferns and what time of the year. Thanks.
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by Sue
(Rice Minnesota)
We moved here last June and there was asparagus growing near a garden spot but in the grass-very thick grass what should I do-move it or try to clean the grass out of there?
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by Diana Hayward
(North Central Pennsylvania)
I just moved into a home with an asparagus bed that has gone untended all season. I have no experience with asparagus. What do I do with the bed for a good crop next year?
Comments for Untended Bed
by Varsha Jain
I stay in India in a tropical climate with very extreme weather , I have grown asparagus plant just last December , I have no knowledge about growing them can you send me some pictures of the different stages of the growth of the plant.... Recently I saw a very thin spear & with in a few days it had lots of ferns & the ferns have some white flowers on it .....what am I suppose to do further please guide.
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by Kathleen
(Long Island NY)
Hi, and thanks. My asparagus bed is 5 x 20 and 12 years old. I cut spears about the size of my pinkie finger randomly throughout the bed for a couple of months and at ground level, then slightly cover with a bit of soil. I've never seen a cut worm, grub or beetle, no burrowing critters. This year only a few plant sprouted at the ends of the bed. I did have lots of chrysanthemum weed and pulled it out often. I'm wondering if the weeding disturbed the aparugus to death. Should I let weeds just grow instead? So sad, Kathleen from Long Island NY
Comments for Asparagus Die Off
by Nora
(DFW area North Texas)
I am very interested in starting a bed this fall. We have such hot summers and unpredictable winters. What type would be best, or types, for DFW area of North Texas?
Also, whenever something says *full sun*, I wonder if they really mean the TEXAS full sun, which is quite overpowering.
Thank you,
Comments for Best type for growing in North Texas, DFW area.
by Cesar
Hello if a have planted a one year old esparagus crowns wait for two years to allow to grow to ferns after cut the ferns down when do i start to harvest again after this.Thank You
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by Tammy
(Columbia City, IN)
I started my seeds in pots in February and they have been growing all summer long outside.. do I leave them outside all winter or bring them in and transplant in spring.
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by Cheryl
(Newnham on Severn, Gloucestershire)
I appear to have planted one of the rows of asparagus too close to the surface and I would like to dig them up and replant them deeper.
My garden is on a slope and I believe that the soil has washed down over the years exposing the first row of crowns. I have now had a raised bed built around the asparagus bed to prevent this from happening again but it may be too late for the first row of plants which sit just proud of the edge.
I either need to replant them or replace them. Is it alright to plant or replant in the same space.
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by Ralph
Is Sweet Purple a variety or just a general category of a type of asparagus. Some catalogs list it as a variety. I see no such variety listed with the other varieties of purple asparagus such as Purple Passion and Pacific Purple.It can be confusing if looking for a specific variety.
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by Michelle Marie
(Southeastern Wisconsin)
We purchased what I presume is a 2-3 year old plant and planted it in our garden. It's called Jersey Knight Asparagus. It was in the fern stage when we planted it and it has only gotten bigger and bigger. Do these fern stalks need to be supported or should I just let them drupe? This plant is also producing seed pods which have now turned from green to reddish brown. Since it is now October in Wisconsin I read that picking the seeds sends more energy to the (crown?). I'd like to experiment and try to grow these seeds but can't find instructions. Do I try to take the seed out of the pod or just plant them in the pod. Obviously I'm going to start these indoors because our winters get pretty rough. Sorry for all the questions but your site seemed to provide a lot of timely information.
Thank you.
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by Phil Crutchfied
(Berkeley Springs WV.)
I live in Morgan County, West Virginia. I live and garden on the side of a shale rock hill. I have to make or buy my dirt to do any plant growing. It's not as bad as it sounds. I have made a dirt sifter or screening process to get dirt from the shale rock. There is only about 6 inches of dirt on top of the shale in my area, so in order to grow anything I have to make more and make it deeper. Fortunately I have a tractor, with a hoe on the back and digging is not a problem. My idea of making a asparagus bed is to dig out the shale rock, about 3 ft. deep put sifted and screen dirt from my property and add miracle grow potting soil with it, at about a 50/50 mix. I plan on putting metal sides in the hole I dig to keep out weeds and critters. I have access to the sand mine up the street for sand. I can also get saw dust from a mill not far away. With all this at hand can you give me help on the mixtures for my asparagus bed.
I planted asparagus about 8 years ago but as I said the dirt is very shallow and I think that might be why my asparagus isn't doing so well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I am doing it all wrong, tell me I am. Thanks
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Hi- I'd love to buy some Mondeo crowns! Do you know where I could purchase in the US? I tried Daisy Farms but they never sent my order and never responded to inquiries. So any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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by Mark
(Montesano, WA)
I have a 3-year old bed of appx 40 plants. I think they are all "Jersey Knight". Some of them (but not all)-- have berries when I let them grow out in the Fall. (I've read that these are "female" plants). Well, I want to add appx 30 more plants! Some of the varieties advertise as ""all-male" for increased production". Does this mean the "female" plants I have are bad--- and should remove / replace them? (with these "all-male" ones?)---- or should I just let them be? Thanks for any help/ advice
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by John Waind
(North East England)
I have received my asparagus crowns, and they have shoots some nearly 2 in. long. Do I leave the shoots on when planting, I live in North East England....John Waind.
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by Naji
I have raised asparagus last ten years never have harvested do I need to cut them down let them grow then harvest and is it good idea to give fertiliser?
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by Glen
(Africa, Zimbabwe)
Hi there, I have sandy loam soil, please could you suggest what fertilisers are needed and when. How much water is needed. Thanks
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by Skip
If you plant 2 year crowns and they all don't come up the first year - - - Is it possible that some of the crowns that didn't sprout the first year will still sprout and grow the second year???
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by Diana Hayward
(North Central Pennsylvania)
What do I do to grow asparagus next year after finding an untended bed?l
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