British Asparagus Festival 2014

Events throughout the Asparagus Season

Includes Asparafest 31st May / 1st June

Covers the whole official season from start to finish

Events for all the familly

The British Asparagus Festival 2014 take place in

Evesham - Worcestershire


23rd April St Georges Day 2014

The 2014 season started in the UK with the traditional Asparagus Run. This year having started at the Bretforton Inn as usual as fleet of classic cars set out on a treasure hunt arriving at Broadway Tower in the heart of Asparagus Country at mid-day. 

It was a bit cloudy and there was a brisk wind keeping the temperature down but this did not dampen the spirits of the asparagus fans. AsparaGUS and the Aspara Fairy were present along with the Asparacart from the 2013 race. Some asparagus dancing took place and a rendition of the traditional hymn Jerusalem made everyone feel very British! 

Gus the Asparagus Man

If you've not been before the Bristish Asparagus Festival is a quitessentially Bristish affair. Think thatched cottages, Morris dancers, village greens, local beer, ice cream, food demonstations, stalls selling local produce, brassbands, Gus the Asparagus Man and of course Asparagus.

The only key date announced so far is Asparafest which will take place over the weekend of the 31st May and 1st June 2014

Other events typically taking place include

  • Great English Asparagus Run – 23rd April  usually on this date to mark the start of the season
  • Asparabus Tours
  • Bretforton Silver Band Asparagus Auction

Giant Round of Asparagus made of polystyrene

The Asparagus Run starts the season off on St Georges day and involves the presentation of the first cut round of asparagus (and a giant polystyrene round!). Starting at the Fleece Inn amidst various festivities the first cut round of the Bristish Asparagus Season 2013 then travels by some suitably presigious or unusual means of transport (Morgan cars maybe) to a prestigious destination such as the houses of parliamne tor Buckingham Palace.

Escorted tours of Asparagus Growers in the Vale of Evesham can be booked through out the season with some inevitable tasting opportunities.

The Asparagus Auction raises funds to support worthy causes and usually attracts some suitable celebrities.

Butchers stall at British Asparagus Festival 2012

This years Asparafest will be the second time this event has run. It was advertised last year as the horticultural answer to the Big Chill with a weekend of music, food drink and a festival setting. This year overnight camping has been added to allow those coming from afar to make the most of all that the Vale of Evesham has to offer.

Put the dates in your diary and look out for more information as it comes available.

Take a look at what happened in previous years to get more of an idea of what to expect. Their is an official Asparafest site which will provide you with more information.

Here are some other festivals you might like to find out about:

Stockton Asparagus Festival USA

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Gus enjoying Asparagus SeasonGus enjoying Asparagus Season

The easiest way to cook Asparagus!

All you need is a microwave a plastic Fish / Veg. Steamer and and our instructions.

Asparagus ready to cook in the microwave

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If you want the

Basics of how to cook fresh asparagus

start by looking at How to Cook Asparagus first for some background information on a range of cooking methods.

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