Newsletter - July 2011 - Our First!
Welcome to our first newsletter. If you have subscribed to recieve our newsletters we hope you won't be disappointed.
Having started our website in May / June this year we have been amazed by the spread of our readers. We have visitors from the USA, Australia, Russia, Singapore, Kenya, Japan, Canada as well as our home UK and the list goes on.... When we started our site we expected to be targeting readers in the UK and the USA little realising how wide the appeal might be. It may take us a while to get to grips with the needs of all these audiences. Frankly we have no idea whether there are asparagus growers in Russia or Kenya or when the seasons might be in Singapore or Japan. This is where we hope to call upon our readers to help out. We will be opening up our site to your comments hoping to provide a one stop resource for Asparagus lovers everywhere to share their knowledge and experience!
Throughout the year we will bring you seasonal news related to asparagus. If you are thinking of getting an asparagus bed planted up we will make sure you are ready in time for planting season and if you are an avid asparagus cook we will bring you our latest recipes and ideas. In addition we will be commenting on what we see and hear, when the first seasons asparagus appears etc. on our News page and on Facebook. Please feel free to join us there.
For this month with the cutting season finished we remind you to keep an eye out for those little blighters the asparagus beetle.
Check out our page on Asparagus Beetle
